Thirteen days ago, I had my left leg amputated below the knee. It’s been harder on me physically than emotionally. I used to be outdoors practically every day. But now I’m stuck indoors. I was in the hospital for 13 days. I just got home to the apartment 3 days ago now and it’s hard. I have no access to a vehicle so it’s hard to go anywhere. I get tired physically going down the hallway to the garbage shoot. Mentally I’m ok. Just the fact I’m indoors is draining. I’m waiting on a prosthetic leg but I have I have an appointment in 2 months on February 6, 2024 to get a fitting. I’m on a waiting list to see if anyone cancels so I can get in sooner. My upper body strength is getting better. But I’m getting bored and I’m antsy sitting doing nothing in the apartment. I’m waiting to get approved for OC Transpo which is the local transportation company. I’m hoping to get approved so I can get outdoors.
In the meantime, I’m uploading shorts and longer form videos to my YouTube channel but I’m not much of a talker. My channel link is right It’d be awesome if you subscribed and watched the some of the videos. I’m trying to get to 1000 subscribers in the next month or two, I want to get monetized so I could start making some extra money on the side. Another side hustle I suppose. LOL. The goal is to get myself out of the apartment and start doing photography and videography again. I want to go and move to Calgary and be on my own. Self reliant.
I am studying Final Cut Pro X on the iPad Pro with the goal of getting a maxed out M3 MacBook Pro laptop so I can edit videos professionally. That is the goal over the next couple of months until I get my prosthetic leg. When I do get my prosthetic leg, I’ll be more mobile and I will be out with my Sony FDR AX700B camcorder and my new laptop. I do have a few goals I’ve set for myself as you can see. I do have a lot of time on my hands. So please subscribe to my channel here and watch the videos. If you wish to contact me, you can email me here.