So there have been a few changes in the past two weeks. I got my new 2021 Apple iPad Pro with the M1 based processor, 1TB of storage and 16GB of RAM. I also got a Sony FDR AX700b camcorder which shoots amazing 4K HDR videos. I am all setup to do great video work. The weather has fantastic today and should remain so for the next 4-6 days. No humidity and no heat. No rain. Just clear skies with a few big, puffy clouds. Tonight after work, I will be going out and shoot a video for YouTube and get some stock for Pond5. I am doing less and less photography and more video. There is just more money in shooting video then there is in photography. I’m still going to do photos for Adobe Stock but I’ll be focusing more on video production.
Now if you asked me 10 years ago, I’d laugh at you if you told me I’d be doing video as well as photography. I actually look forward to getting outside with the camera and camcorder. I hate being stuck inside behind a computer. I’d rather be shooting. Don’t get me wrong, I love to edit videos and photos but I just enjoy setting up a camera and camcorder. I still hate being in front of a camcorder. I just hate being on video as a I do not like how l look and sound.
I think this weekend, we’ll be going up to Algonquin Park. Not the highway 60 route, but we’ll go up to the northern part of the park. Who knows. It’s always a last minute decision.