No photo to go with todays blog post as this is more of a rant rather than anything else.
I've been interested in photography since I could remember. I finally took some classes in 2010 at Algonquin College and finished the Photography Techniques certificate in 2012 all while working and dealing with cancer at the same time. Since I beat cancer back in 2012 and cleared this year with my 5 year anniversary, I've been thinking that I honestly don't want to do the whole IT industry thing anymore. I've been in IT since 2001. The only certification I have is my CompTia A+ certificate along with my diploma of course.
Since I got cancer back in 2010, it made me realize what I wanted to do with my life. In the last 5 years, life has really been a struggle with cancer and dealing with the breakdown of my marriage and inevitable divorce. Over the past year or two, I've been feeling the need to get out there with my cameras and follow my dreams. It's not just dreams I think. It's actually more than just dreams. Something inside me is telling me to go out there and do my photography as a full time job. I feel it in my bones. I'm unhappy with where I am in my life. Being newly single. Being not where I want to be financially along with my living condition.
The only thing that ever makes me happy is when I'm out doing photography. Doesn't matter what sort of photography it is. One of the things that worry me is the finances of going out on my own just to do photography. I upload and sell my photography on various micro stock sites but I don't get enough sales there to support myself financially. I don't know if I want to work for someone else. I've done it all my life and would like to head out on my own. Just frighteningly scary is all.
I think by this time next year, I will be somewhere else other than Ottawa. I want to get my Czech citizenship back so I can be a dual citizen of Canada and the Czech Republic. One thing that I do know is I need to get my Adobe certification in Photoshop CC. Currently I use Lightroom CC to edit all my photography. I just need to do my certification. I think that will be my goal in the next couple of months. Get my Adobe certification and get out of Ottawa. As one of my Photoshop teachers used to say a lot in class: "Who's with me?"
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